Funeral Directors since 2002
How can we help?
Deut. 29:29 - "The secret things belong unto the Lord our God but those things which are revealed belong unto us." Death is not an easy thing to accept. Even under the best of circumstances, death is a terrible thing. Nature has it’s seasons but death can come to anyone, at anytime, in any place.
Truly we know not what a day may bring forth. We come here today with sorrow in our hearts and questions on our minds as to why these things happen. Can we really know?
How can we help you during these times?
Rwalla le sa sele!
"...Sebetsang le sa fihla baeti, tsa mokgathala ha di tsejwe. Mokgathala o tshwana le ho tsofala..." Ao ke mantswe a Sefokeng a bolelang hore o lokela ho etsa "Pre-planning" hobane ho hlakile hore lefu lona le teng, le tla kena le sa kokota neng kapa neng.
Seke wa iphumana o swabile ho feta ho utlwa bohloko ba ho lahlehelwa ke eo o moratang. Hlopha kajeno ele hore hosasa lihlong tsa hao di tle di rwale ke Boiketlong Funeral Directors.
Events & Announcements
Mar 4th
Ha o na le hona, tsa lepato la e mong wa bao ba hlomphang haholo ba seng ba ile boya-btho oka dumellwa ho etsa phatlalatso ya letsatsi la lepato, sebaka le nako karolwaneng ena ya marang-rang (website) ka cheletana e fokolang feela. Re letsetse reo fe dintlha.
MAR 6th
At a very low cost, you can announce the funeral details of your most loved and respected one on this column, for most of your siblings and distant relatives to know. You can even use this oppotunity for the directions of the funeral venue, date and time. Just call us on the number on you upper right.